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Getting Your Life Back on Track Post-Pandemic

By Gloria Martinez

Creator of WomenLed.org

If you’re suffering from pandemic fatigue, it may be time to start looking for ways to increase your confidence so you can re-enter society in a way that feels safe, fulfilling, and personally rewarding. This is the perfect time to reinvent yourself, from getting your fitness back on track, to ensuring your financial health and stability.

Manage Your Health

The pandemic has taken a lot out of everyone from a health perspective. We’ve all been indulging in comfort foods, limiting out trips to the gym, and wearing stretchy pants while we telecommute. Make a plan to get back on track. Get a head-to-toe physical, clean out the junk food, and start going to outdoor farmer’s markets and buying fresh produce. Replace soda with water, limit fast foods, and start meal prepping so you can have nutritious and good-tasting meals on hand. According to the American Heart Association, once you start fueling your body with healthy foods, you’ll start getting your energy back up, and may even see an improvement in your mood!

Start an Exercise Plan

Just like eating well makes you feel good, exercise gets the endorphins pumping and can make you feel stronger, both physically, and mentally. You know yourself best, so make a plan you can stick to. For some, it’s just a matter of establishing a routine, like attending a regular fitness class, or meeting with a neighbor to walk every morning. For others, exercise is best enjoyed when it’s mixed with entertainment. For example, you might learn to kayak, rock climb, or take a salsa dance class. Try anything new and appealing that elevates your heart rate and gets you up and moving. If it has been awhile since you were in exercise-mode, start slow if you need to.

 Assess Your Career Path

Are you happy and challenged at work? If not, it may be time for a career change. Consider meeting with an employment counselor, job coach, or headhunter, and take stock of your skill sets and interests. Maybe you need to change companies, go back to school, or even take on a new role with your current employer. Perhaps you’ve always thought of starting a business, or padding your savings account with a side gig. While it’s not wise to make knee-jerk decisions, personal and professional exploration is healthy, and can help you identify both short and long-term career aspirations.

Reduce Your Stress

The pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health, as well as increased stress and anxiety levels. If you find yourself regularly on edge, unable to relax, or struggle with a constantly racing mind, you aren’t alone. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends working your way out of this pattern by scheduling regular meditation breaks, or learning yoga, tai chi, or guided relaxation response. Start a gratitude journal, focus on what’s good, rather than what’s bad, and be kind to yourself. Everyone is learning new coping techniques these days, and it may take a bit of trial and error to learn what works best for you.

Eliminate Financial Stressors

While easier said than done, getting your finances in order can relieve a big mental and emotional burden. Many people have lost jobs or seen hours decreased during the past several months, but you can combat financial woes by establishing a realistic budget, and sticking to it. Pay down debt you may have incurred during lockdown so you don’t get overwhelmed with high-interest credit card payments. A financial advisor or reputable credit counselor may be able to help. Refinancing your house and cashing out equity to pay down debt, or create a financial safety net, can all help you sleep better at night.

The pandemic has impacted everyone in different ways, but looking ahead and preparing for better days can provide a much-needed positive mental boost. Be kind to yourself, and to others, and start taking action that will put you back on the road to normalcy.

 Footnote –

This article, and others like it, can be found on the Biotechnology Kiosk website. BK is the monthly peer-reviewed open access international research journal in biotechnology.

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