Dr Susan Fetics (Ireland)

Dr. Susan Fetics is based in Dublin, Ireland and works as a freelancer in scientific communications. She received a BS in chemistry from New York University, an MS in chemistry from Georgetown University and a PhD in biochemistry from North Carolina State University. She is an internationally recognized expert in Protein Crystallography. She has published her research in the fields of chemistry, genetics and structural biology. Following her PhD, she moved to Europe. Initially she lived in France and was a research fellow at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Gif-sur-Yvette. She then moved to Ireland to work at Trinity College Dublin. While at Trinity; she was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions fellowship. Susan is mentor and teacher for young scientists. She is the current president of the International Chapter of Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) and advisory chair for Women in Research Ireland (WIRI). Susan is an advocate for gender equality, work-life balance and mental health awareness for scientists. She can be reached at susan.fetics@inmesolabs.net, also at twitter.com/SusanKathleenFe.